Sticker vs GIF — What’s your choice?

3 min readJan 15, 2020


We chat, share things, and communicate with others in various ways. The methods we use to express ourselves are getting diversified rapidly. Along with, number of unique functions are emerging in the communication service market and platforms.

Example of using Stickers / GIFs

Two representatives of this case are ‘Stickers and GIFs’. They look quite identical in some aspects. However in actual, they’re clearly different. Stickers and GIFs both have their own unique features, functions, and the way of delivering ‘emotions’.

The table below shows the differences between two figures.

Purpose of Use

Stickers are predominantly used to express emotions — precisely, to support the ‘text’. For instance, we could send a gloomy faced sticker to our friends with the text including the reason why we are upset. On the other hand, GIF’s actual function is mainly focused on for ‘fun’ — in other words, entertainment.

Uniqueness of Contents

Of course GIF might also act as a valuable way to express our feelings. However since GIF has a limited range of contents, due to the factor that GIFs are mostly made from real photos, it is quite hard to create and provide consumers with unique contents comparison to stickers.

Variety of stickers on Stipop app


In the terms of sustainability, sticker has a high potentiality as a creative content. Sicker is a optimum place where artists and creators can express their splendid creativeness. They could create anything they want, even though it really doesn’t exists — it can be a unicorn, monster, whatever.

Suitable Used Areas

Stipop provides a wide range of high quality stickers. Most of all, since users are able to experience these stickers for free in a easy way, it is highly accessible comparison to other apps. You can download tons of free stickers on Stipop app. (iOS, Android)

In case of sticker — such as Stipop— it is effective and available to use them on most kind of messenger platforms(iMessage, Instagram DM, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and more). By using appropriate stickers in the context would double your bliss of conversation.

By using GIFs in social media posts, it would be able to make your contents more vibrant. Blending motion graphics and your text would help the readers to understand the context better.

On Facebook Messenger, 16 times more stickers are used than GIFs according to a Forbes article, The Evolution Of Communication And Why Stickers Matter.

However, it never means that neither GIFs nor Stickers are inferior to one another. Each contents truly have their own strengths. The point we should keep in mind is that “both stickers and GIFs have their own suitable area to be used and we should be able to use it wisely.”

Stipop is the most trending and up-to-date virtual sticker platform that provides sticker API to businesses. Over 200 million sticker fans download stickers of their taste on Stipop app (iOS, android) and use them on many services like messengers, keyboard, and workplace tools.




Written by Stipop

Stipop is the world’s leading sticker platform and creative creator community.

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